The Kepler Experiment

Survival-horror FPS

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The Kepler Experiment: Update 2

The Kepler Experiment is progressing slowly, but well. I wanted to put a post together, to talk about and show some of the game’s progress (note: all screenshots show incomplete, in-progress work!), and also talk a little bit about what to expect from the game itself.


The primary focus of development at the moment is the art passes of the game’s levels. These take a long time to complete. While art assets accumulate over time, and this adds increasing momentum, each area requires a degree of bespoke work – visual details unique to a given area, or attention-grabbing, memorable unique assets (very critical not only to avoid player boredom, but to act as landmarks in the labyrinthine maps).


Game development being what it is, until everything is in place – levels, enemy code and models, gameplay systems – it’s hard to show off the actual game in action through, say, a video. So I’ll try to describe what the game will be like. The aim is to be a spiritual successor to two of my total-conversion mods, Dissolution and The Apocalypse.

In game screenshot

I want to create an immersive, memorable, horror-themed single-player campaign that strongly focuses on level design. I want players to immerse themselves in the game’s world, its story and its places. For those who’ve played my previous titles, I essentially want the art style, horror and storytelling of The Apocalypse, while bringing in some of the action/survival aspects of Dissolution (though Kepler will be more survival-horror than guns blazing).

In game screenshot

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Progress update and media releaseThe Kepler Experiment: Update 2



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